Saturday, October 13, 2012

YouTube Invideo Programming - Online Video Marketing

More and more people are discovering the power of using video for their online business. In the online arena, you always have to be on the lookout for what is new and what works best to give your business an edge.

That?s why, inside today?s video I share three NEW powerful ways to boost your YouTube channel views, and one lucky video of your choice?

Go and watch the video now to find out how you can use this new YouTube feature to your advantage? and make sure you watch the video right until the end so you can participate in the little competition I am running where I give away a total of about $250 in cool prizes.

Welcome back!

I?ve got something really exciting to share with you. It?s a new feature inside YouTube that lets you get a lot more views for one particular video of your choice. That, and also how you can win one of five really cool prizes, all up worth about $250 inside this video. Keep watching!

Recently, YouTube has just released a brand new feature that I think is a little bit of a game-changer. It?s their new InVideo Programming feature. Unfortunately, this is not available to everyone just yet as far as I can tell. But definitely, partners and perhaps some older channels will have access to it. It is really, really fantastic!

Inside this video, I also talk about how you can make use of this cool new feature even though it might not be activated for your channel.

What is it?

Well, there are two things that they?ve included in this feature. One is the sort of branding for your channel. I think on the bottom corner here, you?ll see a little GS logo of mine. That?s one thing you can do.

The other thing that you can do that I think is even more valuable is push one of your videos, or basically any video, to all of the videos on your channel. I?ll talk a little bit about how you can use that very effectively for getting a lot more views on one particular video or any video of your choice. Really, really powerful stuff! You?ll see soon why I think this is a game-changer that YouTube has just released. So that?s what it is.

How do you activate it?

If you want to go and check out if you?ve got it available, go to your YouTube channel settings, look for the InVideo Programming field or tab. Click on that and you should be able to see those two options for branding your videos and for getting this little video inset thing happening. Very very cool!

Go check it out if you?ve got it and play around with it. It?s really easy to use. Just go through the steps that they have there and you?ll be able to get it setup and running in no time.

How do you use it?

Obviously, the first one ? for branding it?s great. You just get your logo in there and it looks great. When people click on the little logo, it just goes to your channel. Very nice!

I am not sure how useful it is, but it?s nice for being able to brand your videos. And it will look particularly nice with the new embed code from YouTube that gets rid of the YouTube player. So instead of having YouTube branding, it will have your branding. Business is going to love it.

For the InVideo one, basically what you can do is select any video on your channel and then decide where you want to place this video, in one of the four corners. And also decide when this little video inset is going to show so people can click on.

You might see mine already over here somewhere. If you click on that, it will open up another video on my channel. This is something that I think is really game-changing because what it means now is this video that you can see here, if you click on that, you can go and watch that video. That video gets displayed on all of the videos on my channel.

Just think about this for a minute, what you can do with this. Think about what sort of things you can use this for. I?ve got three suggestions. Listen carefully because this is going to be important for the little competition that I?m going to run soon. I?ll tell you about this in a second.

The first thing is, obviously, if you have some sort of an event coming up, like running a webinar or you?ve got a live event, you could create a little video on your YouTube channel. Then push it over to your inset video in minutes. Run it for a week until your live event happens so that whenever someone comes to your YouTube channel, it doesn?t matter which video they watch, they?ll be able to see that little video that promotes your live event. Very useful.

Another way that you can use it on a more regular way, is to link to a video that promotes, say, a free report or the free resource that you have on your website. In fact, that?s what I have at the moment, or when I?m creating this video, I?m thinking of putting a little video here that goes to my Splasheo site, for example. Well, it?s a video that talks about the Splasheo site and then people can go and visit my site. Very very useful for sending people to that particular video? Giving away free resource and having a little video that ?sells? that. Very useful for that.

The third way, and this is the way that you can use if you haven?t got this activated in your channel just yet. Think about this for a minute. There will be a lot of people who will already have this activated in their channels. All you have to do, if you don?t have it activated is to approach these people, perhaps offer them something in return and say, ?Look, would you be willing to feature my little video as your little inset video?? (I can?t remember if that?s the right name, but I?ll check it out. You know what I?m talking about.)

So ask them if they will feature your video (it?s called featured video, I think) as a little inset and you pay them, you?ll give them something for the next month. Maybe someone has a YouTube channel that?s getting a million views a month, or whatever. If you?ll get them to do that, you have the potential to get your little video seen by a million people; a million potential views of people that go and click on your little video. How cool is that?

Even if you have this feature activated in your channel, you can go and do this with other people who also have it activated. Provide them something and get a ton of views on your video. It is a really powerful strategy.

I?m sure there?s a lot of other ways that you can use this little new inset or featured video. I?d love to hear from you, what you think. And this ties with a little competition.

My Little Competition

I?m going to give away five professionally created intro animations to five of my viewers. Five of you guys! All you?ve got to do is leave a comment below this video and talk about your idea for how these little inset or featured videos can be used.

What I?ll do is go through all the comments and decide on the top five best tips for how we can use this little inset videos. Each of those five people will get given a free animated intro that I do through my Splasheo business.

Normally, they?re selling at the moment for around $47. So all up, that?s close to $250 in prizes that I?m giving away for this little competition.

So five people will get access to that. All you?ve got to do to enter is leave your comment below and tell me your best idea for using this little new feature that YouTube has just released. I love to hear your thoughts. Make sure you leave a comment right now.

The deadline for this competition is October 19, 2012. Very important. You?ve got to leave your comment before October 19, 2012, it?s a Friday.

Alright, you?ve heard enough from me. Go and check out this new feature and start using it. Leave your comment; you can leave other comments too if you want to. In fact, if you just enter an intelligent comment, you don?t have a tip necessarily, I?ll consider you as an entry as well. I just love to hear from you.

I look forward to seeing you inside my next video. Talk to you soon.


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