Tuesday, October 9, 2012

AMS' Real Estate Professionals Hot Seat Call | Automated Marketing ...

Automated Marketing Solutions wants to let you know about a very special event we have coming up on Wednesday, October 10th at 2:00 PM EST [11:00 AM PT].? On that day, AMS President Mike Kowalski will be joined by Real Estate Professionals, discussing Hotlines.?? We know you?ve heard from names like Craig Proctor & Rick Brash but this Tele-seminar is to let you hear from others in your industry; others that have been very successful by including Hotlines in their Marketing Program.

In discussions we have had with many people, there is still a belief that not everyone is capable of making Hotlines perform the way some of the bigger names in the industry do.? The purpose of this Tele-seminar is to dismiss that myth and let you hear from people just like yourself. We want you to know that anyone who is dedicated to the Proctor System can achieve the results they hear others talk about. The Hotline ?automated robot? is the simplest technology to get going with and with a little practice, will prove its worth over and over again.

Thanks for your time today and have a great weekend!

Mike Kowalski
President & Founder
Automated Marketing Solutions

*P.S. ? Past history shows that these seats fill up quickly!

Be sure to claim your spot by preregistering and showing up early on the 5th:

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Source: http://www.automatedmarketingsolutions.com/201210_hotseat/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=201210_hotseat

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