Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Campbell Announces Initial Results Of Camden Healthy Communities

From The Wall Street Journal?..

Campbell Soup Company CPB 0.00% today announced that its 10-year plan to measurably improve the health of young people in Camden by reducing childhood obesity and hunger is producing positive results in its first year. The company also said that it plans to add two new program sites in Camden during the current school year.

In 2011, Campbell announced a $10-million investment over 10 years with the goal of reducing the 40 percent obesity rate and hunger in Camden?s children by half. The Campbell Healthy Communities program is focused on four areas:

? Providing increased access to affordable, healthy food;

? Expanding availability of and participation in physical activity and education;

? Increasing nutrition and health education; and

? Creating public will to support demand for and the creation of a healthy community with quality food sources and safe, accessible recreation areas.

As part of the Healthy Communities Program, Campbell funded approximately 108,000 hours of physical activity for 1,400 Camden youth?nearly 80 hours of physical activity per child.

Other year-one results include:

? Created 28 new healthy food access sites such as mobile farmer?s markets and fresh produce displays in corner stores, serving more than 12,700 residents in their neighborhoods.

? Served 850 customers by fresh mobile vending through Greensgrow Farms.

? Offered more than 400 hours of nutrition education involving 2,155 children.

? Provided cooking classes for 108 Camden classroom teachers and 391 children and families.

? Created first-of-its kind group pre-natal mentoring and nutrition education program that was supported by Campbell employee affinity groups.

? Started ?Community Conversations at Campbell,? a series of five meetings that engage community members and employees in discussions to improve food access in Camden.

?We?re beginning to make a difference to Camden?s residents, and are only at the beginning of a 10-year commitment to the health of the city?s children,? said Kim Fortunato, Director, Campbell Healthy Communities. ?There?s still much to do, especially since Camden?s 40 percent child obesity rate tops the national average of 32(1) percent. We can?t solve the problem overnight, but we?re giving Camden residents some better choices and knowledge about healthy decisions. In fact, we hope our Healthy Communities work will lay the foundation for similar programs in other Campbell hometown communities.?

To read the full story?..Click here

Source: http://www.lensaunders.com/wp/?p=5343

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