Monday, October 8, 2012

From Tetris to Halo: Marching band's?game tribute goes viral

46 min.

The crowds at the?Ohio State vs. Nebraska game?Saturday?may have been there?to see some football, but it was the marching band that stole the show.

During the game's half time, the Ohio State University Marching Band put on a stunning -- one might even?say epic --?video?game-themed?performance that was caught on video. That video was posted to YouTube and, as epic YouTube videos are wont to do, has since gone viral with 1 million views and counting.

The band?played songs from some of the most beloved video games ever made while?simultaneously?marching its?way through choreographed displays of iconic?images from those?games. ?The show hits all kind of gaming highlights, from "Tetris" and "Pokemon" to "Halo" and, of course, "Super Mario Bros."

What makes the video even more amazing is hearing the crowd roar its approval as each new game and game character comes into focus through the careful alignment of the band members' bodies.

I won't spoil anything but be sure to watch all the way to the six-minute mark for a stunning?display of choreography skills. Check it out below.

Of course, this isn't the first time this renowned band has blown away?the football crowds with its musical and marching?synchronization.?In September they put on a spectacular space-themed half-time show, complete with the USS? Enterprise and a visit from John Glenn. Check it out below.

Winda Benedetti?writes?about video?games for NBC?News. You can follow her tweets about games and?other things on Twitter here?@WindaBenedetti,?and you can?follow her?on?Google+.?Meanwhile, be sure to check?out the?IN-GAME?FACEBOOK PAGE?to discuss the day's?gaming news and reviews.


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