Thursday, October 18, 2012

Podcast Episode #58: News, PCOS, sleep, sugar & calories ...

Balanced Bites Podcast

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Episode #58:?News, PCOS, sleep, sugar & calories


Balanced Bites Workshops:

SAT., October 20, Rochester, NY
SAT., November 17, Tacoma, WA ? guest co-teacher Anthony DiSarro will be joining Diane at this event!

FREE Practical Paleo book signing events with Q&A:

TONIGHT!!?THURS., October 18, 2012: 7pm, West Orange, NJ
FRI., October 26, 2012: 7pm, San Diego, CA
SAT., October 27, 2012: 3pm, Los Angeles, CA (Culver City)
TUES., October 30, 2012: 6pm, Fort Worth, TX
THURS., November 1, 2012: 6pm, Houston, TX
FRI., November 2, 2012: 7pm, San Antonio, TX
SAT., November 3, 2012: 11am, Austin, TX

Remember that all events are open to the public, you do not need to belong to the hosting gym to attend!


1. Hypothyroidism or PCOS?
2. Adding sugar to ?help? diabetes meds?
3. Low calories & lack of sleep
4. Dairy, autoimmune protocol & CLO/Butter oil blend?
5. Probiotic foods options

Show notes/links:

PCOS Unlocked Manual by Stefani Ruper
How to Eat, Move & Be Healthy by Paul Chek

Click here to download this episode as an MP3.

The episodes are currently available in iTunes, Stitcher & Blog Talk Radio.

?1. Hypothyroidism or PCOS

Vanessa says,
Hi Liz and Diane! I love your show and have listened to it since its very first episode. I?m writing because I desperately need your help. Let me give you a bit of background on my situation. I?m 26 years old, and originally American but live in London. I have done Paleo/Primal for a month at a time, two times in my life (Sept 2011, July 2012), with great success. For whatever reason (I blame severe sugar addiction) after one month I fell off the wagon and went back to my SAD ways. Back in May of this year, I stopped taking birth control as they were messing with my hormones. I had taken birth control since I was 16 at the recommendation of my doctor because of severe acne. Throughout those years, I switched birth control pill brands probably 15 times. Recently they made my breasts shrink a full cup size and my hair starting falling out and? I also wanted to stop to get pregnant. While monitoring my cycle closely since July, I still have not become pregnant. Even worse, my hair has been falling out even more and thinning, and my skin is literally covered in acne all over my face, chest, jaw, and neck. It is affecting my confidence and happiness so much that I find myself slipping into depression. I am also an anxious, stressed out individual and just handed in my notice at work as I couldn?t deal with the stress of it anymore. I find myself, often in the evenings, with a shaky feeling and often my heart is racing even though my environment is calm.

Please can you recommend a holistic health practitioner for me to get diagnosed in the UK? The NHS here has ignored my issues and when my generic blood work came back ?normal? they just told me to go away basically. I have not had my hormone levels tested but desperately want to find someone who can look at my situation and help me get past it. Personally I have a suspicion it is either hypothyroidism or PCOS. Please, please help.

One other side note, my boyfriend clearly has a serious gluten intolerance which is why I wanted us to stop eating gluten. He has constant sinus congestion, relies on nasal sprays and has some eczema-like rash on his forehead, nose, chest and back. He has lived with this for years *shakes head*. If you have any advice for him too as we are trying to have a baby, I?d really appreciate it.

On a typical day I eat for breakfast: eggs, bacon, spinach, tea. Sometimes a flavored soy latte, but I am trying to cut back on coffee as I get really jittery. Lunch is normally a thai curry or soup, a piece of fruit, sometimes chocolate. Snack is some almonds or brazil nuts. I drink lots of herbal teas throughout the day, sometimes coffee with soy milk. Dinner is some cut of meat, vegetables, starchy veg or sometimes a grain (such as polenta or rice). Dessert is where I fall off the wagon. I might have five cookies or a bar of chocolate or ice cream. Sometimes gummies. Once the sugar touches my lips, I can?t stop.

I sleep 8+ hours a night. I?ve always been a good sleeper, never had problems. I get tired at 9:30/10pm, sleep at 10:30/11, wake up at 7:30am. I am often lethargic throughout the day and would love a nap at 3-4pm, but I work full-time.

Exercise is almost non-existent. Lately I?ve been trying to do more calming breathing exercises, short yoga sessions and just started to do interval sprinting on the weekend with my partner. I live in London so I walk about 25 mins each way to and from work, quickly. I also try to get out and walk during my lunch break, even if just for 10-30 mins.

As for skin care, I have tried the oil cleansing method but I believe this problem is so internal no amount of gentle external cleansing is helping. Sometimes I use tea tree oil. Sometimes I use a strong acne gel when I can?t take the pain of the pustules. My skin is VERY oily, my hair is also very oily on my scalp and my scalp has become itchy. I shower daily and shampoo daily. I try not to as I know it is very bad for my hair (which is also quite brittle), but otherwise it looks too greasy at the end of Day 2.

2.?Add sugar to a ?healthy? meal in order to take my meds?!

Minisa says,
I was diagnosed with the antibodies for Type 1 Diabetes last year at the age of 35 (A1C ranging between 6.5-7.2 over the last year). ?I have been told by my doctor that I am considered pre-diabetic since I am currently still producing insulin. My doctor has me on Byetta 10, typically a Type 2 diabetes medication, because there is some research that shows it has helped to save cells that produce insulin that my body is killing off (autoimmune disorder). Because I am Type 1, have no other health concerns and live a healthy lifestyle he hasn?t recommended any nutritional restrictions or guidelines. When I asked what I can do to avoid taking medication- specifically mentioning nutrition and diet- I was essentially told that there was nothing I could do except wait for my body to stop insulin production; therefore I should get use to the idea of having to inject insulin. At my last appointment I told him I was concerned because the Byetta was requiring me to eat more sugar in order to prevent having lows after meals. For example if I took my medication and then ate a typical dinner- chicken breast, salad, quinoa- i would have blood sugar levels below 60 which would send me in a binge for grapes, juice, or ice cream trying to get it back up. That didn?t make sense to me ? add sugar to a ?healthy? meal in order to take my meds?! ?He said I could go off Byetta, but it may speed up my dependence on insulin. ?At that same appointment he asked me to think about taking insulin so that I can get use to injecting myself with it, but I told him I wanted to wait because I?m worried it will down-regulate my own production of insulin. Additionally, I?m convinced there is something I can do besides taking drugs.

I am trying to educate myself about the disease. ?There is so much out there ? it?s overwhelming, and not much points to nutrition when it comes to Type 1. I was excited to learn about Robb Wolf?s work and I came across your podcast and am currently reading Practical Paleo.

I have LOTS of questions, but my immediate question is: Should I stop taking Byetta (and slow release insulin) while starting my 30 days of paleo? Also what other general advice/suggestions can you give me concerning my condition as it relates to your expertise?

Appreciate and value any input you can provide.?Many thanks,

3. Low Calories = Lack of sleep?

Astrid says,
I?m having trouble getting enough calories in. At least, that?s what I think. (Yeah, I know? I didn?t believe it either, until I started logging my food.) I eat 3 square meals a day, sometimes an additional evening snak. I always eat when I?m hungry until I?m totally satisfied. At noon, I sometimes eat without being hungry, just because of scheduling. I have to put my lunch somewhere between my meetings and other work related stuff, there is not so much flexibility during that particular time of the day.

First of all, I don?t quite know how many calories one is supposed to consume in a day. There are various informations out there, most of them somewhat silly proposals colored by the low-fat generations.
I?m 156cm (4.5f), 58 kg (128lb). I?m suffering from sleep-maintenance insomnia, and wake up usually somewhere between 3 to 6 hours after I went to bed. My mind is racing, and even if I stay in bed for a couple of hours, I can?t fall back to sleep again. I?ve also tried to get up for a snak, hoping that this would put me back to sleep, didn?t work either. I?ve tried starchy carbs as well as fruit as well as fats in form of coconut oil or homemade chocolate without sweetener, at time I even had a whole ?breakfast? including eggs and meat.

I?m also not hungry when I wake up, I mostly wake up because I have to pee. I usually stop drinking anything 2 hours before I go to bed, but that?s not helping either. Being desperate, I started logging my food (which I hate). First I thought, that I?d probably would have to get more carbs in during the day. But that didn?t help either! One night I ate a gigantic amount of homemade chocolate, and slept through the night like a baby, waking up about 9 hours after I fell asleep. That?s what I?m looking for on a regular basis!

Anyhow, sorry for rambling on. I just figure the more information you get, the better the chance for you to answer my question in a way, that fixes my problem. I?ve also put on some weight from all that sleeplessness, mostly around my waist, some on thighs and butt as well. I guess that?s from cortisol.

After that chocolate experiment, which I?ve successfully repeated (for science, not for pleasure!), I think that the insomnia is caused by too low calorie intake. Food tracking showed approximately 1600 kcal/day. I think I should probably get 2100 or something like that. (See below for a typical day.)

Also, I?d like to try a rather ketogenic approach, but I seem to have trouble getting enough fat in the mix. I?d be thankful for any tips you could offer me. I?m already drowning all my veggies/meats/eggs in fat, still the ratios are not where I?d like them to be. I usually get too much protein and too little fat.

I?d like to get all my calories from nutrient tense foods, the chocolate path, however delicious it might be, is not exactly what I?m looking for. I?m eating 100% paleo. No dairy (apart from grass fed butter and ghee), no grains what so ever, no legumes, virtually no nuts and fruit (sometimes a few berries from my strawberry bushes). I don?t tolerate any of those things. I?m also under some digestiv distress, mainly bloating/flatulence.

Thanks to both of you, for everything you to. It?s highly appreciated!

Breakfast: 130g eggs, 9g ghee, 200g brussels sprouts, 100g red bell pepper, 60g homemade liverwurst
Lunch: 75g avocado, 150g thuna (can), 80g tomato, 100g red bell pepper, 175g yellow bell pepper, 8g EVOO
Dinner: 35g sauerkraut, 200g ox tail, 370g brussels sprouts, 6g ghee, 1 cup broth
Thats about 1700kcal, 92g fat, 72g carbs, 133g protein. (Would like to lower protein and carbs, and increase fat)

4. Avoiding dairy ok to take FCLO?

Magda says,
I know you recommend the Green Pasture?s fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend. If doing an autoimmune protocol or avoiding dairy, do you see any implications with taking the blend rather than just the pure fermented cod liver? Is there any reason to think the butter oil blend can cause issues to those testing for dairy sensitivities?

5. Options for Probiotics

Amy Says,

After reading Practical Paleo and analyzing my family?s poop, I am convinced that we need to use a Probiotic regularly. I have started my first batch of raw sauerkraut, but I know that will take 2 weeks to ferment. Can you provide further guidance on other available sources of probiotics? My kids love yogurt, but I?ve been trying to avoid that because of the HFCS/lack of full-fat dairy issues. Is store-bought sauerkraut OK? Is there any form of store-bought yogurt that would be acceptable? What are some other options for probiotics?

Love your information, and your insights!!!
Thank you!

Diane & Liz

About the author

Charissa Talbot is the Communication Coordinator for Balanced Bites, Personal Trainer and student currently studying Holistic Health Care at the South West Institute of the Healing arts while under the mentorship of Diane Sanfilippo.

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