Saturday, September 29, 2012

6 Favorite Words To Help You Make More Money Online

This article may look different from the traditional, but you?d enjoy it.

Why? Because words are powerful and if you understand the effect of words, your success will be easier than picking up pretty girls. Lol!

When I started blogging, I came across an epic blog post and after going through it, my thoughts about making money changed.

The reason why you?re not making enough money from your website could be the wrong use of words.

Or better yet, you don?t even understand the impact of certain words.

Why words are powerful

Words are powerful because they?re the exact thoughts of the subconscious mind.

What we say from our mouths has its root from our thoughts. The earlier you realize the blogging is not all about waking up every morning to write, the better for you. Successful internet entrepreneurs don?t joke with words.

They can bury their heads meditating on a specific word ? and sooner or later, you?d see the effects: Thousands of subscribers, speaking engagements, six figure earnings and so much more.

At the end of this post, I?d like you to add your favorite word. Make sure it?s one word, and not a phrase. Here are 6 of my favorite words that could help you make more money.

1.????? Email ? ? ? ?email marketing

Yes, that wasn?t a typo.

Email is my favorite word because with it, you I can build a strong nexus with potential customers.

Click here to see why email marketing is important.

The right email campaign could generate a staggering income ? I love email marketing.

Most of what you must do as a blogger or entrepreneur is to build an email list. In fact, nothing is as important as collecting leads.

It doesn?t matter whether you?re selling physical products from Amazon & Ebay, or digital products from Clickbank & CJ, the bottom line is to start collecting email leads from Day 1. Yes, from the very first day!

Let me shock you: if you?re a blogger and you?re not building a mailing list, I?m afraid because you may not be in business when next I see you.

Don?t get me wrong, you could make money without selling through emails, but it?s the most difficult thing to do. I make more money from my list, than I do from organic traffic. Is email your favorite word?

2.????? Content

No matter what you?re selling online, content is the bedrock of your business. I like the word ?content? because it paves way for other marketing practices. Without quality content on your blog, don?t even bother guest blogging or marketing through social media.

And Google loves fresh content. If you can challenge yourself to produce quality and valuable content regularly, you?d reach 75% of your target audience, even without social media or forum marketing.

Organic visitors would trail your blog and hand you their hard earned money. If you enjoy reading quality content like this (I suppose), your readers also deserve the best. Make it your vision, pursue it.

3.????? Marketing

Why is ?marketing? one of my favorite words?

It?s obvious; marketing is the fuel that powers your blog engine. If you don?t market your products and services, you?d be broke. Period!

And quality content without the right readers to consume it is a waste of time.

Most likely, you want to gain traction, build a community and make money online. Well, it?s not going to happen overnight. You need to market your blog post, your ?hire me? page, your new e-book and any other income asset. Don?t wait for them to come ? go and meet them wherever they are. But marketing is not for lazy people, here?s why:

4.????? Smart

Being smart is the key to winning the race of life. I know people who work 6 hours per week and make six figure income annually, whereas, a couple of my good friends works about 10 ? 12 hours weekly, but has nothing to show for it. What?s wrong with my friends?

Even though they?re hard working, it?s obvious that they?re working on the wrong tasks. For instance, if you spend 4 hours on Twitter every day and expect to grow your blog, how feasible is that? As a blogger, writing, optimizing, marketing and relationship building are fundamental elements that brings long-term success.

You?ve to work hard in a smart way. Don?t spend time on activities that can drain your energy, instead, work on your core objectives. Every task must be tailored to meeting your goal. I?m yet to find any secret to living the internet lifestyle. Anyways, if there is, taking action in a smart way is the ultimate.

5.????? Monetize ? ??monetize a blog

When should you monetize your blog?

This has been a controversial question and I?ve seen it popping up from every nook and cranny of the web.

But what?s the BIG deal? If you feel comfortable monetizing in the first month of launching your business, go ahead.

If not, wait until you?ve built a community like Copyblogger media (Brian Clark) did.

As for me, I got my first client after 1 month of starting my freelance writing blog. So, it?s relative?

The bottom line is to ?monetize.? You can?t make money without a clear monetization path.

Most people who complain that blogging is full of crap and scam have issues with selling. Some people actually have problems with promotion or trying to convince their readers to buy.

The word ?monetize? is my favorite ? what?s yours?

6.????? Traffic

Who doesn?t want more traffic?

The truth of the matter is, without traffic you can?t go far in your business. No matter what business model you?ve chosen, potential customers must come to your blog or you?d quit anytime soon. One of the blogging nightmares is lack of traffic, but there is more.

Here is the harsh truth: You don?t actually need thousands of traffic, you need targeted traffic. Why? Because 100 targeted traffic to your website is better than 1000 untargeted traffic to the same website.

For instance, if you?re selling web hosting, then, you need people who wants to buy web hosting and nothing else.

Now, if 10 people visits and buys the VPS or Dedicated hosting packages, isn?t it better than 100 people who just admire your animated header, the color merging and awesome design? I guess you don?t need that type of audience. They waste your time and burn your bandwidth.

What is your favorite word?

I?d like to know your favorite word, how the word has aligned your thoughts and actions towards reaching your goals. Do you think words are powerful or just mere combinations of alphabets? The comment box below is yours ? share your opinion and let?s fall in love with words. Your success is sure!

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