Monday, August 6, 2012

Setting up a Fish Tank in Your Home with Your Kids

If your kids have been begging you to implement a fun fish tank into your living room area or one of your bedrooms, it?s time to do some research prior to buying a tank and everything that?s entailed. By doing your research ahead of time you?ll know how to do everything correctly and you will be prepared on how to set everything up. Now the set up process will be a lot simpler. Here are some tips prior to investing in cold water fish tanks.
Figure Out Where to Place the Tank
First it?s important to decide where you?d like to place the tank inside your home. Consult with the rest of your family members and allow your children to have some input too. After you?ve all made a unanimous decision they?ll be so excited! Later maybe you can have them take turns on who will take care of the fish in the tank daily!
Some pointers to take into consideration prior to deciding on where to place the tank is making sure the tank will be away from heat. This means keeping the tank away from where the sun will come through the windows during the day. Heated water will cause algae, which is very hard on your fish and the tank in general. Another pointer is if your fish tank is going to be larger in size, you?ll need to have enough support underneath it. Make sure you have enough space to place a large tank on top and make sure the cabinet that will be durable enough to hold the weight as well. ?
Plan Ahead and Buy Fish Tank Accessories?
?After you find the perfect tank that?s in the right size that you?d like, start planning ahead and order your fish tank accessories. This will include supplies like fish food and fun decorative pieces that will go into your fish tank as well. Find a quality site that sells fish supplies and plan on ordering enough supplies ahead of time so you won?t have to worry about rushing out to the store should you run out.
Setting up a Fish Tank Properly in Your Home?
Once you have your fish tank and accessories, it?s time to set it up! Have your kids assist you so that they can learn all about how to set up a fish tank and then later teach them the responsibility of taking care of the fish and cleaning the tank too.
First you?ll need to clean the tank and then insert your filter. While installing the filter follow the instructions and connect the airstones to the airpump. Next it?s time to implement gravel. However, before placing gravel into the tank, fill up the tank with tap water. After the filter and gravel are in the tank, it?s time to add rocks, ornaments, and other equipment. Your fish tank is now ready to enjoy and take care of! This is a great experience for younger children who are curious about everything that?s entailed with a fish tank. After setting up a fish tank, they will be in awe of all of the fun fish and will enjoy seeing a fun tank every day in your home.

Sierra is a freelance writer and owner of Paige One. She loves interior design and writes about a variety of topics, from health to fitness. Connect with her on Facebook or on her blog Ocean Dreams!


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