Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Get Back Your Ex Long Distance Lover - How To Get Ex Back

Q:? I had an amazing relationship with someone who actually lived far away. It was a long distance relationship but it really seemed to work. We would hook up at least once every month or two and everytime was amazing. Other than that we would communicate constantly through the week.

But then as life has it, he got busy, I got busy and before long we just weren?t even communicating.

Is there a way for how to get back your ex long distance lover that can really work and overcome that weird non-communication that seemed to form out of nowhere?


A: Most people are negative towards long distance relationships, saying they never can really work. But when they do work, as you?ve found out, they can be fantastic. All the little things that seem to clog up relationships unnecessarily are eliminated, and instead focus is placed on one another. The time spent becomes special and unique, since the time is usually limited and not an everyday/every week affair.

But of course there comes that point. How long can it go on before the distance creates a real distance in the relationship?

If you had something special that you want to rekindle from afar there are ways to get things going again.

Always remember, we live in a time now where communication is easier than ever. And very cheap. We can actually video chat with one another no matter where we live (practically).

The first thing I would do when trying to figure how to get back your ex long distance lover is to implement texts. There are entire get back with your ex texting programs you can use for resurrecting long distance relationships. The key with texting is that you are starting slow and building up.? In order to get your long distance guy back, you don?t want to immediately get on video chat. You want to send some simple texts and build up some STEAM. By the time you get to video chat, he will be very anxious to see you and hear your actual voice. That is, if you do the texting right (that?s why texting ex routines can be so important as they outline how to properly build up desire).

Once you get that desire going, you can either move on to video chat, or you can go straight for setting up your next actual physical contact trip. They key is getting that desire rolling again, and then, you can literally jump right back into where you were before in the relationship.

Remember, losing contact with long distance lovers is very common, and is often not the fault of the usual relationship problems. It?s more just a natural getting carried away with life thing, and once you get back in touch, things could once again pick up right where the excitement left off.



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