Friday, August 31, 2012

NHL, NHLPA talks on hold for a day

(AP) ? The NHL's collective bargaining talks are on hold until Friday.

Donald Fehr, the executive director of the NHL Players' Association, had originally said he was "optimistic" the union would table a counterproposal Thursday. Fehr could extend a counteroffer on Friday at the NHL's New York office.

The current agreement expires Sept. 15, when the league has said it will lock out the players if a new deal is not in place.

The two sides are at odds over hockey-related revenue. The league wants to knock down the players' percentage to 46. The players' share of HRR was 57 percent last season. Fehr said changes in how HRR is calculated would see the amount of money players give up to escrow increase "significantly." Under the NHL's proposal, the union said current contracts would not be paid in full.

NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman issued his second proposal to the NHLPA on Tuesday in New York, an offering he called "meaningful" and "significant." On Wednesday, the two sides met again, and broke the proposal down with several player representatives in attendance.

Fehr was accompanied Wednesday by NHLPA special consultant Mathieu Schneider, as well as Mike Komisarek (Toronto), Douglas Murray (San Jose), George Parros (Florida), Chris Phillips (Ottawa), Kevin Shattenkirk (St. Louis), Kevin Westgarth (Los Angeles), Craig Adams (Pittsburgh), Nick Bonino (Anaheim), B.J. Crombeen (Tampa Bay), Alex Goligoski (Dallas) and Ron Hainsey (Winnipeg).

The NHL regular season is slated to begin on Oct. 11.

Associated Press


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Strong female portrayals eliminate negative effects of violent media

Strong female portrayals eliminate negative effects of violent media [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: John Paul Gutierrez
International Communication Association

Positive depictions challenge negative stereotypes

Washington, DC (August 27, 2012) Men and women are less likely to experience negative effects to sexual violent media when watching a positive portrayal of a strong female character, even when that character is a victim of sexual violence.

Christopher Ferguson, Assistant Professor at Texas A&M International University, surveyed 150 university students in a controlled environment in a recent study published in the Journal of Communication. Each participant screened a variety of TV shows that portrayed women in different lights when it came to sexual violence. The results showed that men and women had less anxiety and negative reactions when viewing television shows that depicted a strong female character rather than a submissive one.

Past research has been inconsistent regarding the effects of sexually violent media on viewer's hostile attitudes toward women. Much of the previous literature has conflated possible variables such as sexually violent content with depictions of women as subservient

The submissive characters often reflect a negative gender bias that women and men find distasteful. This outweighed the sexual violence itself, giving credence to what Ferguson calls the "Buffy Effect"named after the popular television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its strong lead female character.

"Although sexual and violent content tends to get a lot of attention, I was surprised by how little impact such content had on attitudes toward women. Instead it seems to be portrayals of women themselves, positive or negative that have the most impact, irrespective of objectionable content. In focusing so much on violence and sex, we may have been focusing on the wrong things," Ferguson said.

"While it is commonly assumed that viewing sexually violent TV involving women causes men to think negatively of women, the results of this carefully designed study demonstrate that they do so only when women are portrayed as weak or submissive," added Journal of Communication editor and University of Washington Professor Malcolm Parks. "Positive depictions of women challenge negative stereotypes even when the content includes sexuality and violence. In this way Ferguson reminds us that viewers often process popular media portrayals in more subtle ways than critics of all political stripes give them credit for."


Positive Female Role-Models Eliminate Negative Effects of Sexually Violent Media, By Christopher J. Ferguson; Journal of Communication DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2012.01666.x

Contact: To schedule an interview with the author or a copy of the research, please contact John Paul Gutierrez,

About ICA

The International Communication Association is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. With more than 4,300 members in 80 countries, ICA includes 26 divisions and interest groups and publishes the Communication Yearbook and five major, peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Human Communication Research, Communication, Culture & Critique, and the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. For more information, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Strong female portrayals eliminate negative effects of violent media [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: John Paul Gutierrez
International Communication Association

Positive depictions challenge negative stereotypes

Washington, DC (August 27, 2012) Men and women are less likely to experience negative effects to sexual violent media when watching a positive portrayal of a strong female character, even when that character is a victim of sexual violence.

Christopher Ferguson, Assistant Professor at Texas A&M International University, surveyed 150 university students in a controlled environment in a recent study published in the Journal of Communication. Each participant screened a variety of TV shows that portrayed women in different lights when it came to sexual violence. The results showed that men and women had less anxiety and negative reactions when viewing television shows that depicted a strong female character rather than a submissive one.

Past research has been inconsistent regarding the effects of sexually violent media on viewer's hostile attitudes toward women. Much of the previous literature has conflated possible variables such as sexually violent content with depictions of women as subservient

The submissive characters often reflect a negative gender bias that women and men find distasteful. This outweighed the sexual violence itself, giving credence to what Ferguson calls the "Buffy Effect"named after the popular television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its strong lead female character.

"Although sexual and violent content tends to get a lot of attention, I was surprised by how little impact such content had on attitudes toward women. Instead it seems to be portrayals of women themselves, positive or negative that have the most impact, irrespective of objectionable content. In focusing so much on violence and sex, we may have been focusing on the wrong things," Ferguson said.

"While it is commonly assumed that viewing sexually violent TV involving women causes men to think negatively of women, the results of this carefully designed study demonstrate that they do so only when women are portrayed as weak or submissive," added Journal of Communication editor and University of Washington Professor Malcolm Parks. "Positive depictions of women challenge negative stereotypes even when the content includes sexuality and violence. In this way Ferguson reminds us that viewers often process popular media portrayals in more subtle ways than critics of all political stripes give them credit for."


Positive Female Role-Models Eliminate Negative Effects of Sexually Violent Media, By Christopher J. Ferguson; Journal of Communication DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2012.01666.x

Contact: To schedule an interview with the author or a copy of the research, please contact John Paul Gutierrez,

About ICA

The International Communication Association is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. With more than 4,300 members in 80 countries, ICA includes 26 divisions and interest groups and publishes the Communication Yearbook and five major, peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Human Communication Research, Communication, Culture & Critique, and the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. For more information, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dealing with Criticism | Personal Growth and Self Improvement Site

Almost every day either we or someone we love experience this frustration. Faced with being misunderstood we respond.

Criticism is an attack on our self esteem and our defensive attitude is the way we try to protect our self from a painful experience.

Don?t dwell on the criticism but move on. Your value is not determined by one piece of criticism.


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Budgeting for the Year Ahead at University | Finance Fox

We?re in the period of time where both new and returning students are getting itchy feet, waiting around the house until the day that they can move to University and see all of their friends, flat mates and collect their timetables for the year. For the new students, it?s also a time of compiling a mountain of ?essentials? to get them through the year which of course, includes numerous pieces of technology to help them keep in touch, get their work done, and relax.

But all of the latest technology comes with a hefty price tag ? and we all know how it?s just unthinkable to have something even a matter of months out of date! Technology is always evolving, as are the trends, and it?s just as hard to work out which smartphone or tablet computer to have as it is to establish what shoes are in fashion and which tops would be seen in Milan and New York as well as your student union in Lincoln!

It?s inevitable in the first few weeks at a new place, in a new house with new people, that you?ll want to make an impression. Whether it?s with your sense of humour, your fashion, or your gadgets, but it?s also important that you learn how to budget for the year ahead. After all, the student loan only goes so far and if you spend too much time in the electrical store or on-campus bar, you?ll soon find yourself begging the bank of mum and dad for a loan, which is never nice and comes with the obvious repercussions once you get home for the weekend or holiday!

The first tip for budgeting for Uni is to ensure that you get only what you know you?ll NEED for the months ahead. You?re obviously going to require a laptop and a colour laser printer ideally to print out your essays and projects ? presentation is as important as the content itself. The key here is to look at what suits your requirements best. It?s alright going out and buying a laptop or printer that has every feature ever created, but if you?re unlikely to use them, you?re paying too much. Look for features that you know you?ll use and set yourself a budget. If you can get a laptop for ?600 that has all the features of the latest, all-singing all-dancing version that is priced at more than ?1,000, then the cheaper one is your option.

You?ll also need the home comforts, bedding and pillowcases for example. This doesn?t come cheap when you have to buy the full set ? and you?ll want more than one! Searching the house for spare or unused sets is a great way of making a saving here. If like many families you?ve kept spare bedding for ?emergencies? or ?just in case?, evaluate whether or not you really need to keep them or if you can take them off to Uni with you. Another substantial saving.

A third tip relates to your essential reading list. You?ll find that either before the start of your course or at your introduction lecture during Fresher?s Week that you?ll be given an essential reading list ? all of the books that the tutors think you could benefit from reading either before the start of your course or over the duration. Unfortunately textbooks aren?t cheap either, especially brand new, but many students will have put their no longer required books on online shopping sites that could enable you to pick up a second-hand version at a bargain price. Who doesn?t love a bargain!

If you can make any savings during the year at Uni then you have a number of options at the end of the year if you find that you?ve got some of your money left. Either option a ? you look at paying off some of your overdraft or owings; b ? you put some towards next year?s accommodation and studies; or c ? you reward yourself with one last night out before heading home!


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How to Get Back Your Ex Long Distance Lover - How To Get Ex Back

Q:? I had an amazing relationship with someone who actually lived far away. It was a long distance relationship but it really seemed to work. We would hook up at least once every month or two and everytime was amazing. Other than that we would communicate constantly through the week.

But then as life has it, he got busy, I got busy and before long we just weren?t even communicating.

Is there a way for how to get back your ex long distance lover that can really work and overcome that weird non-communication that seemed to form out of nowhere?


A: Most people are negative towards long distance relationships, saying they never can really work. But when they do work, as you?ve found out, they can be fantastic. All the little things that seem to clog up relationships unnecessarily are eliminated, and instead focus is placed on one another. The time spent becomes special and unique, since the time is usually limited and not an everyday/every week affair.

But of course there comes that point. How long can it go on before the distance creates a real distance in the relationship?

If you had something special that you want to rekindle from afar there are ways to get things going again.

Always remember, we live in a time now where communication is easier than ever. And very cheap. We can actually video chat with one another no matter where we live (practically).

The first thing I would do when trying to figure how to get back your ex long distance lover is to implement texts. There are entire get back with your ex texting programs you can use for resurrecting long distance relationships. The key with texting is that you are starting slow and building up.? In order to get your long distance guy back, you don?t want to immediately get on video chat. You want to send some simple texts and build up some STEAM. By the time you get to video chat, he will be very anxious to see you and hear your actual voice. That is, if you do the texting right (that?s why texting ex routines can be so important as they outline how to properly build up desire).

Once you get that desire going, you can either move on to video chat, or you can go straight for setting up your next actual physical contact trip. They key is getting that desire rolling again, and then, you can literally jump right back into where you were before in the relationship.

Remember, losing contact with long distance lovers is very common, and is often not the fault of the usual relationship problems. It?s more just a natural getting carried away with life thing, and once you get back in touch, things could once again pick up right where the excitement left off.



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Sales Pro: New Business Sales Team Leader - Media

Job ID: 78424

Job Views: 13

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Job Category: Advertising / Media / Entertainment

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Posted: Wed Aug 29

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New Business Sales Team Leader - Media

I am currently in the process of recruiting for a leading Hertfordshire based consumer services group currently in the process of going from strength to strength in the marketplace. My client has a Web hit base like no other and is a well-recognised global brand.

Reporting into the Head of Client Services, you will lead and manage a team of people whom are responsible for revenue from new business clients. The team you lead will be responsible for identifying, researching and sourcing new business from designated list of category areas. You will be expected to meet and exceed New Business Revenue targets as well as being an ambassador to the business.

We are looking for experienced New Business Team Leaders who have experience in managing new business teams for a national media company. The successful candidate will have a solid consumer sales background and have worked in National Press/Online Radio or National Magazine. We are looking for ambitious, career thirsty self-starters who are looking for their next media sales position.

This is an ideal opportunity to join a leading household name who can offer fantastic career opportunities and very competitive financial rewards.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why bother home brewing beer? ? Matters News

Article by Michael Saville

Why bother home brewing beer? ? Food

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Brewing beer at home is a popular pastime for many people. Even in the UK where the public house culture is very strong, home brewing beer has a big following. Successive governments have increased the tax on buying beer in pubs and so many people have looked to save money by making beer at home.

There are both plus points and minus points to home brewing beer. The big advantage often cited by those who make beer at home is that they can select their own ingredients. The reason why this is an advantage is that people who brew beer at home can be sure they are using only good quality ingredients. For many people this means only using organically grown crops for the ingredients. By home brewing beer they can be sure that they will drink beer that does not contain any artificial chemicals or additives.

People who home brew beer generally are confident they will have a constant supply of beer, which is especially good for when guests unexpectedly arrive or a ball game is on the television. As the raw ingredients of beer are simple (they are just water, malt, yeast and hops), a home beer brewer can make beer in regular batches and store in the garden shed or outhouse. Lots of people find the very act of brewing beer a relaxing act and a stress reducer, even before they have tasted the fruits of their labour.

However, it is worth noting that home brewing beer is not for everyone. The first big disadvantage is that if you don?t brew your beer correctly you could end up with a concoction that tastes horrible; something that you would not be proud of serving up to your friends. Even if you know what you are doing, just one mistake could lead to a ruined batch of beer both in looks and taste.

A second negative for home brewing beer is that it takes a lot of time and effort. For most people it is much easier to pop into the supermarket on the way home from work and buy their beer than to wait for between thirty to thirty five days for a home brew. Beer making takes a long time; around ten to twelve hours for brewing and over a month for the beer to age.

Home beer making has become easier over the years. In the past at the very minimum it would have been necessary to mix the brew carefully, constantly check the gravity of the fermenting brew and then at precisely the right time transfer the brew into a barrel or bottles. However things have been simplified by the introduction of home brewing kits. In most cases these kits have a fermentation vessel that both looks and works like a barrel and this makes the entire process much easier to manage. The brewing and aging happen in this vessel. It just needs to be kept in a warm place for a few weeks and then when it is ready poor out directly. The risk of contaminates entering the brew during fermentation and aging is vastly reduced. It is possible to get a whole range of different beer types in home brew kits, even lager. Home beer making really is a lot easier than it used to be.

For me the advantages of making beer at home far outweigh the disadvantages. The taste of home made beer is pretty unique. There is a wide range of beer types you can make. You can make it as mild or as strong as you like. You have control over the ingredients you can use. As you become more experienced you can move from the safety of home brewing kits to making your beer right from scratch. It is a relaxing pastime and provides you with an immediate topic of conversation when friends come around to visit. All in all home brewing beer is lots of fun. Try it.

About the Author

Michael Saville has written more articles about home brewing beer. These can be found at The site provides information and advice on making beer at home, home brewing kits, and various recipes you can try.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Michael Saville

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Wii Console and Wii Remote Controller Suits Everybody -

The Wii Gaming console is an extremely popular gaming and it has been appearing in family rooms, retirement community day rooms and therapy offices because it first seemed to the legions of gaming players in late 2006.

Among the best parts concerning the Wii Gaming console, based on nearly 75 % of those questioned regarding their recent purchase and using the Wii Gaming console would be that the Wii controllers are extremely various and more fascinating than standard two-handed controllers which have long wires which appear to attach anyone to the tv.

The Wii handheld remote control has proven itself to become a good workout companion for all those once referred to as game couch potato's for that Wii remote must be moved around to be able to work the avatars or 'people' on screen.

An example from the Wii Remote Controller at the office may be the bowling game which many seniors find provides them an excellent workout without needing to go out.

Was once you might simply press a control button or slide a little joystick forward and also the ball would roll, usually inside a predetermined pattern, as well as an individual could be 'bowling.' Though the Wii Bowling Game, a person must fully stand up, and also 'throw' the remote for the television and release their hang on the button ? not toss the Wii handheld remote control in the TV.

An individual actually utilizes the bowling stance, walk and launch technique while playing a bowling game on their own Wii, only they will use the Wii remote or Wiimote within their hand rather than a ball.

Because numerous people had experience weight reduction using the various Wii game titles, the Nintendo Company chose to take advantage of this and created the Wii Fitness by which some games need a person get up on a 'fitness pad' or strap on something which is comparable to a tracking gadget or contain the Wii Remote Controller for example for any Wii Boxing Game, area of the Wii Sport package.

Individuals get an superb cardiovascular workout using the Wii Boxing Game where a player uses the Wii remote to box the environment as the little 'person' on screen boxes at another little 'person' or perhaps a large punching bag. Regardless of a person's preference, they'll obtain a great workout using the different games in Wii Fitness.

Physiotherapists such as the Wii remote controllers are simple to handle by patients who've lost their dexterity and flexibility within their hands and arms. It offers their sufferers something fun to complete as opposed to the repeated workouts on hefty weight-lifting machinery or resistance band exercises.

The Wii gets people involved helping to motivate these to wish to focus on their recovery through practical activities rather than simple muscle toning.

A Wii Remote Controller works best for everyone since it supplies a great workout for body and mind which may be useful to seniors and people needing physical rehabilitation treatments.


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Seattle Roof Covering ? The Best Guidance | Home Improvement ...

Many folks opt to construct their very own houses as opposed to leasing flats because they have to ensure their households a safe haven that may be unswerving As such it?s common to find many individuals striking up homes in Seattle Washington. This process includes different contractors at different varieties with certainly one of them being roofing.

Just like the opposite levels of building it is very important that you get the very best Seattle professional roofer in order to do an excellent job so that you do not have to consider re-roofing after a little while additionally the roof serves as a crown for the home besides supplying security against several of the severe elements of climate this means that your roof covering will certainly have to not most efficient be capable of final however in addition have a sophisticated value.

The products and services of Washington roofer are indispensible in Seattle since the area is comprehended to like extreme climate requirements for this reason the need to a roof that can temperature such times despite the fact that you could wish to consider a Do-it-your self venture on your roof covering, it?s protected to paintings with a qualified roofing contractor as they?re more revel ind when it pertains to identifying the kind of roof covering that is ideal for your residence in addition to the skill with which you want to mount the roof covering. such a whole lot notably, they are going to make sure that the roof of your brand-new homestead blends in with the existing houses a couple of the contractors which are recognized to do a great job other WA roofing is Seattle very best Roof covering. the company is recognized for its signature Interlock Roofing that includes various choices featuring Asphalt shingle roof covering, clay tile and slate roof covering, wooden shingles and shake roof covering, and steel roofing among others.

The business emphasizes at the wish to get the greatest roofing subject matter as this is going a long way in decreasing long haul prices in addition the corporate furthermore promoters for roof covering solutions which are environmental pleasurable Getting a great roof covering additionally contributes to increasing the lower appeal of your home and minimizes power prices that are exactly what Seattle greatest Roof covering company provides Interlock roofing is amongst the examined roofing methods which are known to be environmental friendly, heavy duty in addition to sensational As such, there will be less air pollution in addition to lowered power expenditures since the roof has a capability of conserving up to forty according to cent of your air circumstance bills. finally the interlock roofs are normally produced from contents that are recycled successfully decreasing waste.

Moreover the reflective area could be efficient within the relief of the temconsistent withature of the residence specifically throughout summer time so as to savor some quality time at your Seattle house with out necessarily exaccording toiencing the urban heat tropical isle effect In conclusion roof covering is a very important part of construction therefore you must make sure that you get a qualified Seattle professional roofer in order to give you high quality carrier so that you are able to cut on your electrical energy expenditures whilst on the similar time getting a kick out of toughness in regards to re-roofing.

You can see more details here: Roofing.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

After a Storm - Watch Out for Scam Artists Posing as Tree Care ...

Watch Out for Scam Artists Posing as Arborists

By?John Rochester, Coral Springs Tree -?After a storm, it is common for people claiming to be tree specialists to show up at your door offering their services to remove or repair trees. In the words of one city forester: ?They seem to come out of the woodwork-people we have never even heard of before.?

Unfortunately, many such individuals have little or no training, and sometimes have little interest in removing anything but money from the pocketbooks of unsuspecting residents.

The National Arbor Day Foundation urges you to not be a victim. ?Make sure you are dealing with a reputable individual or tree care firm when you contemplate repairs or removal of any trees on your property,? warns John Rosenow, president of The National Arbor Day Foundation. ?Legitimate arborists rarely go door to door to solicit business.?

Here are eight guidelines to help you find qualified tree-care specialists:

1. Make sure they are part of an established business in the community or nearby area, with a listing in the phone book, usually under Tree Service.

2. Have them provide you with evidence that they are actually working for the company, rather than moonlighting.

3. Ask for current certificates of insurance showing that they are fully insured for property damage, personal liability, and worker compensation.

4. Ideally, they should be members of a professional association of arborists such as the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), the National Arborist Association (NAA), or the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA).

5. Arborists who have received certification from their professional associations, such as ISA Certified Arborists, will have received training and access to current technical information on tree care, repair, and removal.

6. If possible, get more than one estimate to ensure that the price offered is competitive with that offered by others for the same services.

7. In case of tree removals, have a clear understanding about who removes the limbs and debris from the property, and whether or not the price includes stump removal and clean up.

8. Check to see if the estimate has considered the possible value your tree will have as firewood or chips, either to yourself or if sold to others.

?Above all, don?t be pressured into making a decision,? Rosenow warns. ?Taking the time to select a qualified tree professional can safeguard your trees and save you from the long-term consequences of wrong decisions about what to do about them after a storm.?

Related posts:

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Source: John Rochester, Coral Springs Tree


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Do You Actually Recognize Your Reason For Spending money on The

In today's financial state, businesses are checking spending budgets and searching with regard to methods to increase performance plus not spend as much. Once a month expenses are generally assessed plus called for. Will be able to a different option be found? Is usually that check actually worth the capital being spentMany businesses generate standard expenses for an Seo firm, several shelling out hundreds of excess weight per 30 days seo company to pay for 'ongoing SEO activities', notwithstanding not so sure what they're truly investing in. At times these lenders are scared to give up the payments, dreading that once typically the Seo firm ends being concerned the location will disappear out of yahoo and google. Should you be shelling out hundreds, if they are not thousands each and every year in 'ongoing SEO activities' you now have a straight away to know what particularly these SEO functions are generally. If you happen to paid for a cpa exactly the same number, you need to observe evidence of the job, search engine optimisation firms are not any different. Will a person's Seo firm provide you with standard studies on their functions? Were they stated what they've carried out to your web site plus how come? Is it dealing with Google adwords as well as other affiliate programs for you? If that is so, the ones that and the way productive could they be? If you happen to clarified 'no', and also 'I really don't know' to the of them queries, you now have a problem. Google and yahoo PageRank is a thing that has an effect on for which you include organic search benefits. Get typically the Google and yahoo toolbar does not able to see it on your own. If there are virtually no growth forever to your relationship with all your Seo firm, they should make clear how come. When they don't share with you PageRank suitable from the outset, consequently look at changing for an Seo firm that is certainly alot more obvious in relation to search engine marketing benchmarking and techniques. Should you be getting standard studies in job accomplished, discovering the results of the job and they are and so seo company thrilled with typically the provider that you would look at suggesting the criminals to a buddy, then you have a good Seo firm in your favor. Having said that, whenever not one of them fill out an application, seriously think about conclusion typically the arrangement, plus shelling out the income in one order for fantastic suggest that then you're able to employ in-house. Without having some sort of complex tool in your own seo firms organization, outsource so that they can employ every complex changes with your web site as it is often not as difficult for that particular work to always be monitored. With an industry because very competitive because SEO, you should never take typically the dim regarding what has carried out to increase your web site with regard to organic search benefits. In a perfect world you will be capable to learn about what exactly really should be accomplished while on an recurring groundwork (it may not be brain surgery, just look serp seo!) and if you won't want to babies, a search engine marketing organization being paid for once a month ought to details precisely what they for you personally. Hopefully is not the condition, it is advisable to get a brand new SEO coordinator.At the start of google marketing operation, a person's Seo firm should have tested plus reviewed a person's important keywords on hand. Once many weeks for paid for process, If you happen to search on among the list of terms reviewed and you are therefore not within at least the initial not one but two pages of content for Google and yahoo organic search benefits (situations one : 13 with regard to position distinct keywords) then you need to inquire about the criminals to make clear what they've been recently undertaking.


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T.O. released by Seahawks

Denver Broncos' Chris Harris (25) breaks up a pass intended for Seattle Seahawks' Terrell Owens (10) in the first half of an NFL football preseason game on Saturday, Aug. 18, 2012, in Denver. (AP Photo/Joe Mahoney)

Denver Broncos' Chris Harris (25) breaks up a pass intended for Seattle Seahawks' Terrell Owens (10) in the first half of an NFL football preseason game on Saturday, Aug. 18, 2012, in Denver. (AP Photo/Joe Mahoney)

Seattle Seahawks' Terrell Owens gestures during warmups before an NFL football preseason game against the Denver Broncos, Saturday, Aug. 18, 2012, in Denver. (AP Photo/Joe Mahoney)

Terrell Owens' NFL return lasted less than three weeks.

Owens was released by the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday, part of the league-mandated roster reductions from 90 to 75 players.

The 38-year-old receiver posted a message on his Twitter account shortly before 11 a.m. that he had been released and the Seahawks made the move official in the afternoon.

"I'm no longer a Seahawk," Owens tweeted. "I THANK the organization 4 the opportunity, I'm truly blessed beyond belief. My FAITH is intact & will NOT waiver."

Owens wasn't the only veteran to get cut by the Seahawks. Offensive linemen Deuce Lutui and Alex Barron both had their veteran contracts terminated, while Seattle waived/injured defensive back Roy Lewis (knee), tight end Cameron Morrah (toe), defensive tackle Pep Levingston (knee) and linebacker Jamison Konz (shoulder).

Owens signed a one-year deal with Seattle (No. 22 in APPro32) on Aug. 7, following a sterling workout that had coaches and Seahawks staff raving about how good he looked for having not played an NFL game in more than 18 months.

"We really liked the group that we assembled. Terrell came in here and busted his tail and he looked really effective right from the start," Seattle coach Pete Carroll said. "But as we just took a look at our guys that are coming through the program and growing up with us we thought that it would be best for us to stay with those guys."

Owens signed just before Seattle's first preseason game and made his debut in the second week against Denver. But his preseason performance was more notable for the passes he dropped than anything he caught.

Owens dropped a potential 46-yard touchdown against Denver on a perfect throw from Matt Flynn. He failed to make a catch in any of his five targets against the Broncos and then had another glaring drop against Kansas City on Friday night.

He finished the preseason with just two receptions ? a 40-yard catch from Russell Wilson where Owens had to slow down and lean back to haul in the pass and a 1-yard reception on a screen.

For as impressive as his long catch was in Seattle's 44-14 win over the Chiefs, it served as Owens' only highlight in a Seahawks uniform.

Owens was trying to make a comeback after not playing since Week 15 of the 2010 season while with Cincinnati. He sat out the entire 2011 season following surgery on his left knee and failed to receive any offers.

Owens got the rust off this spring playing for the Allen Wranglers of the Indoor Football League. He had 35 catches for 420 yards and 10 touchdowns while playing eight of 11 games, but was released and lost an ownership stake in the team in May.

Owens, a third-round draft choice by San Francisco in 1996, has started 201 of the 219 regular-season NFL games he has played in his career. He has 1,078 receptions for 15,934 yards and 153 touchdowns ? the second most in league history.

His nine seasons with at least 1,000 yards receiving and 13 years with at least 50 catches rank third. His total receptions are sixth on the NFL career list. Owens spent eight seasons with San Francisco, two with Philadelphia, and three with Dallas before a pair of one-year stints with Buffalo and Cincinnati.

"I've been rehabbing and working out for the past year since the injury and that's all I've ever wanted since I've been out is another opportunity," Owens said following his first practice on Aug. 8. "That has been given to me by the Seattle Seahawks and again I am very grateful for that."

Among Seattle's other cuts to reach the 75-man limit were wide receiver Phil Bates, running back Tyrell Sutton, cornerbacks Ron Parker and Donny Lisowski and offensive lineman Edawn Coughman.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Restaurant Franchising ? Healthy Food Businesses in the UK ...

Article by Jack Halley

Long gone are the days when restaurant franchising was purely synonymous with fast food burger joints and pizza parlours. The industry has now branched out and restaurant franchises include not only themed food from countries all across the globe, but also internet cafes, coffee stalls, tea shops, sandwich bars and cookie outlets. Many involve several food and drink types, combining coffee, smoothies, juice and other drinks with muffins, bagels, baguettes and wraps. One of the newest restaurant franchising opportunities in the UK focuses on the health trend, with all menu items having some health benefit. Healthy eating venues emphasise their use of fresh, quality nutritionally balanced, high-flavour ingredients and pride themselves on their ?green? credentials, their aim being to run a responsible and sustainable business. They may offer organic or free range produce, or items which have a reduced carbon footprint, for example locally sourced meat or home grown vegetables and they will try and use environmentally friendly packaging where possible.

Until recently, healthy eating in the UK had a (possibly deserved) reputation for bland and boring food, bound to leave you still feeling hungry. However, limp lettuce leaves and dry crackers have been consigned to the past, according to one new healthy eating restaurant franchise which is planning to expand across London and the south east and hopes to revolutionise the healthy eating market. To create an exciting new healthy food experience for the UK market, the new business has a large salad and wrap bar with a choice of fifteen house combinations, or customers can create their own. It also has a range of healthy sandwiches and wraps, with full nutritional and calorific content displayed. Their breakfast menu includes a range of toasted granary bread, lean bacon rolls on low GI granary bread, yoghurts and granola as well as fresh juices and fair-trade, organic coffee. In the winter months they plan to serve hot salads and soups, handmade chillies and stews, Scottish porridge and jacket potatoes.

Prices at restaurants and cafes specialising in healthy food tend to be higher than those at fast food outlets and are therefore usually found in affluent areas, or where consumers are more likely to be health or image conscious, such as health clubs, gyms, leisure centres and private clinics or hospitals. NHS hospitals have in the past rented out their catering spaces to fast food restaurant franchises, but these contracts are mostly due to end within the next two to three years. There is mounting pressure on the Government to take more action on obesity and health lobbyists have been campaigning for an end to fast food outlets in hospitals. It appears, therefore, that there will be a gap in the market and one which healthy eating restaurant franchises will be eager to fill. So it appears very likely that the health food restaurant franchising business is set for success in the UK.

Restaurant franchise reports

About the Author

Jack Halley advises on opening restaurants and has written a report on franchising

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Jack Halley advises on opening restaurants and has written a report on franchising

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.


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Romney turns to Ohio amidst distractions

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan look to shrug off the latest in a series of unwanted distractions when they face Ohio voters as the Republican presidential ticket for the first time.

The two men are appearing at a Columbus-area rally Saturday morning, less than 24 hours after Romney raised the discredited rumor that President Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States. The comment, and his efforts to explain it, overshadowed Romney's economic message as he campaigned near his Michigan birthplace on Friday.

The Ohio rally is expected to be Romney's final public appearance of the weekend ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., where the former Massachusetts governor will formally accept the presidential nomination.

While GOP officials suggest they have momentum on their side heading into the crucial period, Romney and his party have faced tough questions in recent weeks on Medicare and abortion.

Now his joking reference to the president's birth certificate links him to the so-called birther movement and a wing of his party ? a combined 25 percent in an April Pew Research Center poll ? that says it either isn't sure or doesn't believe Obama was born in the United States.

Earlier in the week, Romney caused another stir by declaring that big business was "doing fine" in the current struggling economy in part because companies get advantages from offshore tax havens.

Still, polls suggest that the presidential contest is essentially a tossup as Obama struggles under the weight of the nation's weak economy.

The president's re-election campaign has pushed voter attention away from the economy in recent weeks, particularly after Romney's selection of his running mate, Ryan, the architect of a controversial budget plan that would transform Medicare into a voucher-like system for future retirees.

Democrats have also seized on Missouri Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin's recent suggestion that women's bodies can prevent pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape."

The congressman announced Friday that he would not leave his Senate contest despite overwhelming pressure from Romney and top Republican officials.

Romney made his birth certificate remark at a large outdoor rally in Michigan, where he grew up and where his father, George, served as governor. He told supporters that he and his wife, Ann, had been born at nearby hospitals.

"No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised," Romney said.

The crowd of more than 7,000 responded with hearty laughter.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt swiftly denounced the remark, saying Romney "embraced the most strident voices in his party instead of standing up to them."

Romney was asked about his remark in a CBS interview later in the day.

"No, no, not a swipe," Romney said. "I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us and coming home. And humor, you know ? we've got to have a little humor in a campaign."

The authenticity of Obama's birth certificate has been questioned by some Republican critics who insist Obama is not a "natural-born citizen" as required by the Constitution. Obama released a long-form version of his birth certificate last year as proof that he was born in Hawaii in 1961.

But conservative questions have lingered. And Romney has declined to condemn such questions, particularly from prominent donor Donald Trump.

The Obama campaign released a web video Friday night featuring Romney's remark and declaring that, "America doesn't need a birther-in-chief." Democrats intend to keep the pressure on as the Republican convention gets under way.

Obama was spending the weekend at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, as Republicans began gathering in Tampa for their convention. But Democrats were planning to counter Romney's message throughout the week.

Reaching out to young voters, a key component of his 2008 election, Obama was making stops in the college towns of Ames, Iowa, Fort Collins, Colo., and Charlottesville, Va., on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Vice President Joe Biden canceled plans to give a speech in Tampa on Monday, a short distance from the convention site, to help ensure emergency officials can focus on Tropical Storm Isaac. But he is expected to travel on Tuesday to Orlando and St. Augustine, Fla.

Shortly after Ryan gives his convention address on Wednesday night, first lady Michelle Obama is set to appear on CBS' "Late Show With David Letterman," offering a counter to the Republican message. The high-profile events are paired with a number of smaller gatherings around the country by Democrats aiming to attract female voters and a bus tour with party activists in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Obama campaign deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said the president's team was "not going to cede four days of this campaign just because of a party convention."


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Company Uses Motif Investing To Find Special Edge ? CBS Philly

By John Ostapkovich

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) ? Investors are always looking for that special edge and a California firm hopes it has found one: you.

It?s called Motif Investing and it?s not your father?s sector fund, says founder Hardeep Wailia.

Sure, elsewhere you can invest in energy stocks or precious metals, but here, ?Our motifs are built around everyday ideas, so if you?re interested in healthy foods, there is no sector fund for healthy foods. You know, you ask yourself the question, do women make better CEO?s, we have a motif for women CEOs. We have a motif for pretty much a lot of interesting ideas,? explains Wailia.

Like Biotech Breakthroughs, Discount Nation and All-American, a motif contains 20 to 30 stocks in that theme but you only buy the ones you want.

Wailia says they add a new motif every week or two. One of the most popular has been Facebook Likes, which is a motif of firms Facebook users ?like? most.


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8 worst Windows 8 annoyances; how to fix them

14 hrs.

All new?operating systems have a learning curve, but due to its unique blend of new and old interfaces, Windows 8?s is particularly steep. Whether it?s a menu system that forces you change screens to launch an app or a pair of dueling control panels that each contain different settings, you often have to work harder to perform the same tasks as in Windows 7. Though you can?t solve all these issues on your own ? the Start button is gone for good ? you can make the most of Windows 8 with these tips.

1. No more Start menu

Multitasking in Windows 8 is like dating Sybil. Because there's no more Start menu, users are encouraged to leave the desktop environment and go to the Modern UI Start screen, just to launch other desktop apps that take you right back to the desktop. Not only does switching screens take more time than simply launching a menu, it takes you out of context by pushing your work in the first application off-screen, making it easy to lose track of what you were doing.

Fortunately, there are several ways to avoid going through the Start screen to launch desktop apps. You can install a third-party Start menu, create keyboard shortcuts or pin applications to the taskbar.

Read More: How to Launch Apps from The Desktop in Windows 8

2. Switcher Groups All Desktop Apps Into Just One Thumbnail

If?you want proof that desktop applications are second-class citizens in Windows 8, look no further than the Switcher menu where you'll find separate thumbnails for all of your open Windows 8 applications. The entire desktop gets just one thumbnail, though, no matter how many different programs are running on it.

if you want to find to a program that's running on the desktop, you must navigate from the Switcher menu back to the desktop and look at the windows or taskbar there, a huge waste of time and mental energy.

The good news is that you can switch between all of your tasks using the good old-fashioned ALT Tab key combination. Also, if you dock the desktop next to your primary app in the Metro UI, you'll see a list of tiles representing all of your open desktop apps.

Read More: How to Switch Tasks Faster in Windows 8

3. You Must Slide Away the Lock Screen Before Logging In

Sometimes it seems like Windows 8 was designed to make orthopedists rich, because the new OS asks PC users to perform so many unnecessary clicks and mouse gestures. The most blatant waste of time and muscle movement is caused by the cutesy lock screen that you must close by either dragging it offscreen or clicking on it (the faster method) every time you boot or wake your computer.

Tablet users may like to see the weather and time when their devices are inactive, but on PCs, the display is nothing more than a giant roadblock that stands between you and your login prompt.

Fortunately, you can make the lock screen disappear permanently. Just enable the "Do not display lock screen" setting in the under Computer Configuration > Administrative Tools > Control Panel > Personalization in the Local Group Policy editor.

Read More: How to Disable the Windows 8 Lock Screen: Step-by-Step

4. The Power Button is One Gesture and Three Clicks Away

Since Microsoft designed Windows 8 with the world of always-on tablets in mind, the company thinks you'll need to shut down and restart so rarely that these functions are buried in the menu structure. In Windows 7, the Shut Down button is displayed prominently on the Start menu, whereas in Windows 8, the suggested method is to pull out the Charms menu, click the Settings charm, click the Power button and then select Shut Down from a menu.

If you don't have time and shoulder muscles to waste, you can create your own shortcuts for both the Shut Down and Restart functions. Just assign the shortcuts to the command-line commands "shutdown /s /t 0" (shutdown) and "shutdown /r /t 0" (restart), respectively. Be sure to pin these shortcuts to the Start screen and taskbar for easy access.

Read More: How to Shutdown Windows 8 In Just One Click

5. Windows Mail Doesn't Support POP Accounts

Many ISPs give users POP email accounts, but Windows 8's built-in mail app not only doesn't support POP connections, it actively disses POP users. The first time you open Windows Mail, if the program doesn't recognize your login email address as Outlook or, it asks you if that address is POP, IMAP or Exchange. If you select POP, it rudely tells you that Mail doesn't support POP3 accounts and that you should get an IMAP or Exchange account instead.

You can, of course, use a different mail client, but if you want to stick with Windows Mail there's a simple solution. Set up your, Hotmail or Gmail account to check your POP mail and then add that account to Windows Mail. In, the option to send/receive mail from a POP account is listed under the More Mail Settings menu.

Read More: How to Read POP Mail in Windows 8

6. Secondary Users Cannot Install Applications

One of Windows 8's selling points is its ability to handle multiple users. However, when you add users to your Windows 8 device, by default they aren't given permission to install desktop software on their own. Though they can install Windows 8 Metro-style apps to their heart's content, secondary users are asked for an administrator's password as soon as they launch a desktop installer.

Even after an administrator enters his or her password, Windows 8 installs the program but, in our experience, fails to put a shortcut on the secondary user's desktop, on the Start screen or on the All Apps menu. The only way for the secondary user to launch his new app is to find its .exe file in the Program Files folder and create a shortcut from that. Don't try that at home.

Fortunately, it's fairly easy to grant administrative privileges to a secondary user, provided that you know which menu to use. After adding a user in the PC settings menu, go into the desktop control panel and click Manage Another Account, select the name of the new account and then click Change Account Type and select Administrator from the menu.

Read More: How to Add a User the Right Way in Windows 8

7. Tablet Users Need to Enter the Desktop for Key Functions

Though Microsoft focused the Modern UI on touch, it still forces users back to the desktop for such basic operations as file management and controlling the screen resolution or the user permissions (see annoyance #6). So any time a tablet user attaches a USB flash drive and wants to copy files from it, he will need to use Windows Explorer on the desktop.

Microsoft should have made all of its built-in apps ?? especially Windows Explorer and Control Panel ?? work in Modern UI, but tablet users can address this problem by making the icons on their desktop as large and finger-friendly as possible. Simply right click on the desktop, select Screen Resolution, click "Make text and other items larger or smaller" and adjust as necessary.

Read More: How to Make Window 8's Desktop More Touch Friendly

8. ?Bing Search App Opens Results in Another App

With its vibrant photographs of landscapes and its image-heavy tile results, Microsoft's built-in Bing Search app provides a more attractive interface for performing Web searches than you'll find elsewhere. Unfortunately, behind the attractive facade lurks a really annoying usability problem. When you see a result you like and click on it, the Bing app sends you to Internet Explorer to view the page.

Since both Bing and IE 10 run fullscreen, some users may not notice that they have switched apps, so they'll be really confused when they hit the back button in the browser, only to find out that it does not return them to the list of Bing results. To get back where they came from, users will have to switch back to the Bing app.

The easy way to avoid this problem is to pin the Bing (or Google) websites to your Start screen and use the browser, rather than the Bing app, for all your searching needs. If you feel compelled to use the dedicated Bing app, you can dock it to the right so you can see your list of results on the side of the screen while Internet Explorer takes up most of the space.

Read More: How to Search the Web Faster in Windows 8

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Baron Baretzky calls for probe investigation into fraudulent UFO ...

August 25, 2012

? The Editor World News Tomorrow

World News

WORLD NEWS ? SOUTH? KOREA ? Ricardo? Baretzky, a global security threat analyst called for a probe investigation into fake ??UFO?" videos posted on internet by using a syndicate ring in South Korea and Germany that is profiting from the internet freedom by abusing the rights of the consumers by feeding them false publications and information.

He said that the issue is serious and the proper policing of Internet is becoming a concern as fake videos that involves a ring from South Korea has surfaced on several occasions in the recent months.? Baretzky emphasized that transparency is necessary at all levels and needs to be maintain at all times since the UFO is a real issue to be addressed and have many people on the edge at home, creating fear and panic in the innocent.

He warned internet providers and firms to scrutinize these postings prior as they might be liable on criminal charges if they knowingly allow fake videos on their hosting platform. He said this can be prosecuted under the Anti-terrorism act of almost any country in the world and certainly within the European Union as it would be a crime in Europe to post any falsified video with intend to make money from it or create fear in masses.

According to an internet survey almost 1 Billion people believe in UFO? or that we have been visit by extraterrestrial in the past. Baretzky urged non EU ? governments to participate to ?clean up? the internet of fraudulent videos that our children and scholars watches that creates incitement and fear of the threat propagandized by false information. Several authorities are investigating the issue already and pledged their support.

In the USA people could be detained for several years prior to any prosecution if arrested under the Patriotic act with any explanation as to why they are arrested if found to be involved with any act that involves any form of terrorism.

Exclusive for World News by James Lee, South Korea, IFJ member




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Friday, August 24, 2012

Egyptian editor charged with insulting president

CAIRO (AP) ? A Cairo court on Thursday ordered the chief editor of an Egyptian newspaper detained pending trial on charges of insulting the country's president and potentially harming the public interest.

The case against Islam Afifi of the privately-owned el-Dustour daily is one of several lawsuits brought mainly by Egypt's Islamists against journalists, accusing them of inflammatory coverage and inciting the public against the Muslim Brotherhood, the country's largest political group.

In a noisy court session, the head prosecutor from Cairo's Criminal Court ordered Afifi held in custody and scheduled his trial for mid-September. He read out a long list of defamation charges including "insulting the president via a publication" and "spreading rumors that could disturb public safety and harm public interest."

Supporters of the defendant shouted in protest as the decision was read to the packed courtroom. Rights groups quickly expressed indignation at the decision, and the national journalist association, the Press Syndicate, called for an emergency meeting.

"Insulting the president is a vague accusation that can be easily politicized," tweeted leading youth activist Wael Ghonim, a former Google executive who played a key role in Egypt's uprising last year.

"Tomorrow, when someone writes his opinion and calls Morsi a weak president ... he will be prosecuted for insulting the president," he added.

A human rights group called The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights expressed its "shock" and said there is no need to detain the journalist since he is already banned from travel outside the country.

Another prominent case is that of TV presenter Tawfiq Okasha who was charged with suggesting the murder of President Mohammed Morsi during a talk show aired on private el-Faraeen TV earlier this month.

The network was taken off the air and Okasha was banned from travel pending his trial in early September. Lawsuits have also been brought against chief editors of el-Fagr and Sawt el-Umma weeklies on similar accusations.

The Islamists, and especially the Muslim Brotherhood, have intensified their campaign against media they perceive as antagonistic, claiming they follow the former regime's agenda. The group feels empowered after Morsi in June became Egypt's first elected civilian president in modern history.

Afifi's el-Dustour regularly runs articles warning of alleged Brotherhood plots and conspiracies to turn Egypt into a fundamentalist Islamic state. It also has promoted an anti-Brotherhood demonstration for Friday, initially calling for the torching of Brotherhood offices but later toning down its call to peaceful rallies in Cairo.

The protest call has spurred public debate, especially after a Brotherhood cleric issued a religious edict, known as a fatwa, saying that killing anti-Islamist protesters was permissible.

Activists demand Morsi to take a strong stance against such statements. Egypt's Presidential Spokesman Yasser Ali on Wednesday said the president supports the right to hold protests and said "it is unhealthy" to spread fears about protesters' safety.

Leading pro-democracy advocate Mohamed ElBaradei condemned the imprisonment of the editor and the issuance of the fatwas, saying such developments betrayed the values of last year's revolt against Egypt's longtime strongman, former President Hosni Mubarak.

"Instigating to kill in the name of religion, and accusing revolutionaries of betrayal are not crimes, but insulting the president in the press leads to imprisonment," he said. "It's as if no revolution has taken place."

Concerns of a possible showdown in Cairo have escalated, as the Brotherhood has asked its young followers to come out on Friday to protect the group's offices from opposition protesters.

Security authorities meanwhile warned in a statement that they would "confront with all firmness ... riots or chaos that harms citizens' interests."

The Brotherhood dominates both houses of parliament, including the upper chamber known as the Shura Council. The council controls state-owned newspapers and last month ordered the dismissal of 50 chief editors of state papers and other outlets.

The appointment of new editors, who are either sympathizers of the Islamists or members of the Brotherhood, sparked a wave of protests by journalists both within and outside state media. The Press Syndicate accused the Brotherhood of trying to monopolize the media and turn it into its mouthpiece.

Pro-democracy activists have shown mixed reactions to the court cases. Many defend the right of freedom of expression and deem the Islamists' practices as repressive. Others side with the Islamists and accuse journalists facing trials of spreading propaganda in the service of former regime loyalists.


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TV Guide Rolls Out A New iOS App For Personalized Discovery Of TV Shows

TVG_logo_mobile.jpg.0x675.clkb6gjymqfzjjorp8dn2ov0ooagu8frFor all the content that's going online, users still watch a ton of TV content on, you know, TV. But today's program grids still leave a lot to be desired, which is why TV Guide is offering up a new way for users to keep track of their favorite TV shows and discover new ones, with a new iOS app being launched today. The new app is designed to help users find the shows that they're most interested in, and share them with friends. At the center of the new product is Watchlist, which lets users tag shows that they'd like to watch and then provide notifications and updates whenever those shows air live or when they're available through video-on-demand services. It also makes them easier to find on streaming services that have their own iPad apps, like ABC, ABC Family, CW, Hulu Plus, HBO GO, MAX GO, Crackle and iTunes.


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Virus detector harnesses ring of light in 'whispering gallery mode'

Virus detector harnesses ring of light in 'whispering gallery mode' [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Aug-2012
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Contact: Charles Blue
American Institute of Physics

By affixing nanoscale gold spheres onto a microscopic bead of glass, researchers have created a super-sensor that can detect even single samples of the smallest known viruses. The sensor uses a peculiar behavior of light known as "whispering gallery mode," named after the famous circular gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral in London, where a whisper near the wall can be heard around the gallery.

In a similar way, waves of light are sent whirling around the inside of a small glass bead, resonating at a specific frequency. Just as a small object on a vibrating violin string can change its frequency ever so slightly so too can a virus landing on the sensor change the resonant frequency of the light.

With the initial glass sphere, researchers were able to detect changes in frequency from viruses about the size of influenza, a relatively large virus. The system, however, was not sensitive enough to detect anything smaller, such as the Polio virus.

The researchers were able to increase the sensitivity of the device nearly seventyfold by adding gold nanospheres to the surface of the glass, which created what the researchers referred to as "plasmonic hot spots" areas where the light waves coupled with waves of electrons. This hybrid sensor not only detected the presence of the MS2 virus the current light-weight in the world of RNA viruses it also was able to determine the weight of the virus by measuring the precise frequency change of the light. With a few minor adjustments, the sensor should also be able to detect single proteins, such as cancer markers that appear in the blood long before outward signs of cancer can be detected.

The results were published in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) journal Applied Physics Letters.


Article: "Taking whispering gallery-mode single virus detection and sizing to the limit" is published in Applied Physics Letters.


Authors: V.R. Dantham (1), S. Holler (1,2) , V. Kochenko (3) , Z. Wan (4), and S. Arnold (1)

(1) Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn New York
(2) Fordham University, Bronx, New York
(3) New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, New York

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Virus detector harnesses ring of light in 'whispering gallery mode' [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Aug-2012
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Contact: Charles Blue
American Institute of Physics

By affixing nanoscale gold spheres onto a microscopic bead of glass, researchers have created a super-sensor that can detect even single samples of the smallest known viruses. The sensor uses a peculiar behavior of light known as "whispering gallery mode," named after the famous circular gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral in London, where a whisper near the wall can be heard around the gallery.

In a similar way, waves of light are sent whirling around the inside of a small glass bead, resonating at a specific frequency. Just as a small object on a vibrating violin string can change its frequency ever so slightly so too can a virus landing on the sensor change the resonant frequency of the light.

With the initial glass sphere, researchers were able to detect changes in frequency from viruses about the size of influenza, a relatively large virus. The system, however, was not sensitive enough to detect anything smaller, such as the Polio virus.

The researchers were able to increase the sensitivity of the device nearly seventyfold by adding gold nanospheres to the surface of the glass, which created what the researchers referred to as "plasmonic hot spots" areas where the light waves coupled with waves of electrons. This hybrid sensor not only detected the presence of the MS2 virus the current light-weight in the world of RNA viruses it also was able to determine the weight of the virus by measuring the precise frequency change of the light. With a few minor adjustments, the sensor should also be able to detect single proteins, such as cancer markers that appear in the blood long before outward signs of cancer can be detected.

The results were published in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) journal Applied Physics Letters.


Article: "Taking whispering gallery-mode single virus detection and sizing to the limit" is published in Applied Physics Letters.


Authors: V.R. Dantham (1), S. Holler (1,2) , V. Kochenko (3) , Z. Wan (4), and S. Arnold (1)

(1) Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn New York
(2) Fordham University, Bronx, New York
(3) New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, New York

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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