Monday, July 23, 2012

Samsung develop new smart cell phone jammer system can judge ...

Samsung develop new smart? cell phone jammer system can judge the user in the mood

Technology Review reports according to web site, samsung is developing a new intelligent system: according to mobile cell phone jammer and judge the mood of the user. The new system does not depend on special sensors or cameras, but by monitoring the input speed, buttons, the use of equipment such as state information to judge you is happy, sad, surprise, anger or dissatisfaction. Participate in the project?s researchers Hosub Lee said, the user behavior and mental state have subtle connection between, the system of the algorithm can achieve machine rate 67.5%.

Samsung will be the first to apply it in the Galaxy S II cell phone a Twitter client. The client will can make people watching Tweets, says users will also be able to see the psychological condition the symbols. Lee said, the system can also be used for other aspects, such as according to the mood of the activation of different callers bell, or for the feelings of the users with psychological comfort in (shows an interesting cartoon?) . The system will accord the user?s personal situation of the specific study, a Bayesian network called will be analyzed user data, and confirm the user behavior and emotional relationship.

At present the system is still in development and is still not extensive experiments, so accuracy rate is very low. Samsung also did not say whether it will be commercial. Samsung?s new system is a notable to try. With the launch of Siri, we seem to see the user and the smart phone interaction new direction. Through the natural voice and mobile communication, not only reduce the use of smart phones to the threshold of the house, and is changing the cell phone jammer user to the intelligence of the mobile phone psychological cognition. Smart phones are in our daily life ?humility assistant?, so, how it better for our service? Whether should also strengthen the understanding of our company, including the psychological state of the cognitive?

Samsung can achieve successful in this bad asserted that, but this is a worth exploring direction. Of course, this study will inevitably produce the commercial privacy problem, but MIT emotional calculation of laboratory Rosalind Picard think, from the commercial ways, learn the user?s emotional will bring to the user?s respect. ?This kind of help business show on consumers? highly respected technology, cell phone jammer has a broad and growing market. Know when the user interest, fatigue, pressure, confused or happy, this is the attitude to respect user first crucial steps.?

cell phone jammer


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