Friday, July 20, 2012

French Food and Drink ? American Harvest

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ?FRANCE??? Do you think of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Seine River, Paris, Provence?perhaps you think of the beaches on the Mediterranean Sea?? Many of us think of food.? Yes, FOOD.

French fries in France?.oh yeah?.doesn?t get any better than that!

Salmon, potatos and vegetables?.all really fresh and tastey.? Note the bread to the left.? There are no words to describe the bread in France?.excellent, perfect?these words just cannot describe how good bread can be!

And the desserts?.ooh la la.? Rodger is not a coffee drinker, but cafe au lait is very tempting in Paris.

We did not order this platter of raw meat, but the people at the table next to us did!? A small habitchi was brought to their table and the diners cooked the meat themselves.? (I did ask for permission to take this picture?.they cracked up at us silly Americans.)

Breakfast at Domain de Rhodes was very special each morning.? Francoise set a very pretty and different table each day.? The food was fresh from local farmers.

Francoise presented sliced fresh fruit each morning.?? This is pears with local honey drizzled on top with fresh berries.

The side table was even set perfectly at Domain de Rhodes.

Sharon will not like this picture!? My friend and I decided to drink some Absente.? I think this was the stuff that made Van Gogh go crazy!? Of course, it is not nearly as potent today, but still packed a wallop.? I only took a sip, as it tasted like NiteQuil?.and not in a good way.? My friend drank the rest!!!!? He slept very soundly.

So what did we drink if not Absente?? Well, mostly wine!!!? We are not big rose wine drinkers, however the rose in France was excellent.

We saw lots of macrons and meringues in Paris.? These were the biggest meringues I?d ever seen.

Great salads with seafood.? They taste even better than they look and they look fabulous.

This was a little side salad made with slices of vegetables.

Sharon loves seafood.? So when she ordered jumbo prawns one night, little did she know that they would be served whole.? Little black eyes stared at her from the plate.? I had to take the heads off and the shells off for her.? They were scrumptious.? (That is the prawns were scrumptious, not the heads, eyes and shells.)

Another incredible dessert.? Did we eat dessert with every meal?? NO.? Boy are we upset with ourselves now!

I ate this type of salad whenever it was on the menu.? It is a Norwegian style salad with smoke salmon.? Yes, I am of Norwegian descent.? Just as wonderful to the taste buds as to the eyes.? Sharon thought it was pretty too, but was having nothing to do with what she called ?raw fish?.

Sharon could not get enough of these galettes.? We even went back to this restaurant once for dinner and then the next day for lunch. ? It WAS that good.

Finally, this is a picture taken a few years ago while we were in Paris.? This is a great Chicken Caesar salad.? In the USA, we do not make a Caesar salad like this, but I wish we did.? We ordered this one at the Cafe du Marche in Paris on Rue Cler.? It is a great cafe for food, wine and people watching.

Bon Appetit.







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