Monday, July 29, 2013

New Cancer drug cures 96 % of men

Ten-year survival rates have surged almost 30 per cent in the last 40 years, said Cancer Research UK.

More than 96pc of treated men are still alive after 10 years, compared with fewer than 70pc in the 1970s.

Although there is a chance of recurrence after 10 years, they are considered effectively cured. Each year around 2,300 new cases are diagnosed in the UK. It strikes at a relatively young age, being most common in men aged 15 to 49.

Dr Harpal Kumar, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: ?A clear success story has been the drug cisplatin, which our scientists helped to develop.

?This is helping almost all men with the cancer to beat the disease and is a shining example of what we can achieve.

?The word ?cure? is almost a reality with 96pc of men helped. But it?s important to recognise the 4pc who don?t survive. Only research can bring forward the day when we?re able to beat all types of cancer.?


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