Saturday, February 9, 2013

Top Ten Reasons Crafts Make Me Break Out in Hives | Home ...

I know I am not the only mom out there who feels the way I do about crafts. We can spot each other in a crowd, at co-op, or even on social media. I am not sure why, but our confession of being members of the ?club? often comes out in a whisper. ?I don?t like doing crafts.? GASP. WHAT?! A HOMESCHOOL MOM that despises crafts?! Yep. And, guess what, it gets better. God had a sense of humor when he blessed us with a very creatively minded child. Who.loves.crafts. So, if you are part of the club, enjoy the list. If not, perhaps you can embroider the title of my post while you read.

  1. Glitter?I don?t think I even need to explain this one.
  2. The Stash?Almost every crafter I know has a stash. A pile of supplies they have collected ?just in case.? This makes me anxious on several levels: buying it, making room for it, organizing it, and wasting money when it doesn?t get used.
  3. Organization?Craft supplies must be organized or they overtake your home. Do I organize them in bins or plastic boxes? May I put them in the closet, or must I have them out and accessible? Do I organize by shapes, size, and color? Or, must I organize by activity? If I organize by activity, what do I do with the supplies that are multipurpose?
  4. Perfectionism?I don?t often see this trait in myself, but it rears its ugly head periodically. Our project never looks like the magazine photo. Know what I mean?
  5. Pinterest?If one doesn?t already compare themselves to others, Pinterest will certainly push you over the cliff. What used to be simple, can no longer be simple! What is ok store bought must now be homemade! The numerous options can easily overwhelm a person!
  6. Cost?Spending money on crafts seems ?extra? to me. Yes, I could use coupons, watch for sales, repeatedly run to the store when that next supply is marked down; but the thought of that overwhelms me!
  7. Clutter?This is connected to the stash; but includes all the projects once completed.
  8. Stress?Crafting is supposed to be relaxing. It does not relax me. See #4.
  9. Simplicity?I like to keep things simple. Crafts do not keep things simple.
  10. The Mess?You know what I mean: the play doh crumbs, the glitter, the glue on the table, the paper scraps everywhere, the pile of broken crayons, etc.

So, what?s a mom to do when crafts make her hyperventilate, yet her daughter thrives on creativity? Well, I do crafts. Or, at least, allow my daughter to do them. We find a way to organize them that works for both of us. I make a spot for her to work that keeps the mess in one location. I find activities she can do independently with little assistance most of the time. We go to co-op with an art class! I try to make time occasionally to work on projects together, or allow her to do an activity with someone skilled in that area. I push down my anxiety and allow her to create. God has created that aspect of her personality and I cannot stifle it. I look forward to seeing how her interest develops! But, please don?t judge me if I still hide the glitter!


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