Monday, December 17, 2012

Information Product Creation in Five Easy Steps | Simplicity ...

Selling information products is a lucrative business these days, and creating these product isn?t as hard as many think. By following the steps below, you can quickly and easily get started as an information product publisher.

1. The first step to information publishing is to select your niche. By narrowing your focus to a particular niche, you can get to know that market inside and out. You?ll learn who the buyers are, how they communicate, what their needs are and how much they?re willing to pay for a solution. This allows you to create a customized product that meets their needs and at a price point that you both can live with.

2. Once you?ve chosen your niche, it?s time to dive into research. Just because you have a passion for a topic doesn?t mean it?s profitable. Use a tool like Word Tracker or Google Keyword Tools to find out exactly how often your ideas are searched for. You?ll want it to have a large number of searches to ensure you have enough potential buyers. Also take note of related searches being conducted, as this may give you even more insider information into what your niche market needs.

3. Now it?s time to create the product. You don?t have to be a professional writer, but you do need to be able to communicate well with your customers. Be honest and speak from experience as well as any training you might have. Don?t try to impress your customers with difficult words, fancy phrases and complicated processes that do more to confuse than clarify. Remember, you won?t please everyone, so just do what feels right.

If you?re short on time or doubt your ability to create the product, you can find talented ghostwriters to help with creating the product. Visit, or for more information.

4. Step four is to set up your product. This doesn?t have to be complicated. You simply need a means of selling the product, typically through a website sales page, and a way to accept payments.

You can create your own sales page using an in-depth program such as Dreamweaver, or even hire a web designer. However, you can also use something as easy as WordPress to create your sales page and the only costs involved are for a domain and hosting.

There are many services you can use to accept payments. The most popular is PayPal, which allows you to accept direct money transfers, eChecks and credit cards ? depending on what type of account you have. You simply create an account, set up your buy buttons add the button code to your web pages. Other options you might want to look into are, and

You?ll also want to set up a mailing list or two so that you can communicate with your prospects and buyers. This can be accomplished using a variety of mailing list services such as and, or through complete shopping cart programs that handle sales and subscribers such as and

5. The final step to information product creation is of course, to market your product. It?s vital that you spread the word about your products. Join discussion forums related to your niche; recruit affiliates to promote your products. Locate joint venture partners to help spread the word. Use social media sites to gain followers interested in the topics you discuss. Write articles and become a guest blogger on blogs related to your topic.

Be creative and find ways to reach your target market. The more you put yourself out there, the more you?ll get in return.

Now that you know creating information products is easy, it?s time to get started.


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